MDaemon AntiVirus

The Next Generation of Antivirus and Spam Protection

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MDaemon AntiVirus

MDaemon AntiVirus provides the next generation of antivirus and spam protection for the MDaemon Email Server by halting viruses on all inbound and outbound email at the server before it's passed on to client PCs, providing real-time spam, Recurrent Pattern Detection Technology (RPD)TM, Zero-HourTM Virus Outbreak Protection, Inline Virus Scanning via Kaspersky and ClamAV AntiVirus Engines, Urgent Update Notification, and more. It is the number one solution for safeguarding your MDaemon mail


by Businesses for 20 Years


Affordable. Secure.

Simple Control

of Communication and Collaboration

To combat today's ever-changing security threats and provide your organization with the strongest defense against spam, phishing, and viruses, download the free, fully functional, trial of MDaemon AntiVirus software today. Or, start protecting your organization's email infrastructure by purchasing today!

Recurrent Pattern Detection (RPD™) Technology

  • Recurrent Pattern Detection (RPD) uses patented technology to identify patterns which are content agnostic to safeguard the original message. These patterns cannot be used to reconstruct the original message.
  • RPD extracts and then analyzes relevant patterns, which are used to identify massive email-borne outbreaks. It classifies both distribution and structural patterns within an email message.
  • RPD patterns are compared to the local cache which provides fast match results for more than 70% of the patterns. If a pattern is not in the local cache, RPD will query global data centers for a match to provide true real-time protection...
  • RPD is designed to distinguish between the distribution patterns of solicited bulk emails, representing legitimate business correspondence, from those of unsolicited bulk emails, representing spam.
  • RPD identifies incoming threat messages with very few, if any false positives. Not only are the patterns content agnostic, they are also language-independent making it equally effective for all message formats and encoding types.

MDaemon AntiVirus Features

mdaemon Zero-Hour Virus Outbreak Protection

Real-time pattern analysis provides much faster protection than traditional filter and signature based solutions that require detecting, defining, and disseminating new virus information.

mdaemon Kaspersky AntiVirus Engine

MDaemon AntiVirus scans messages inline, using the Kaspersky AntiVirus Engine, during each SMTP session, effectively stopping malicious software at the email entrance to your network.

mdaemon ClamAV AntiVirus Engine

In addition to the Kaspersky AntiVirus engine, messages are scanned via the ClamAV plugin for MDaemon AntiVirus, adding an additional layer of antivirus protection for all inbound and outbound email traffic.

mdaemon Urgent Update Notification

Provides additional antivirus definitions beyond regularly scheduled updates. When a high-risk virus threat is identified by Kaspersky Labs, you can select to be notified and trigger

mdaemon Versatile Control

MDaemon AntiVirus detects infected attachments in both plain text and HTML messages. When an infected attachment is detected and you have selected to not block

mdaemon Log Files

MDaemon AntiVirus includes an administrative log that keeps track of the type, time, and location of detected viruses.

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Thobson Technologies and its subsidiaries are MDaemon Authorized Master Distributor and Regional Support Center for United States (US), Middle East - Arab Emirates (AE), Egypt (EG), Pakistan (PK), Bangladesh (BD), Afghanistan (AF), Algeria (DZ), Bahrain (BH), Israel (IL), India (IN), Jordan (JO), Kuwait (KW), Lebanon (LB), Oman (OM), Kenya (KY), South Africa, Uganda (UG), Mali (ML), Ghana (GH), Qatar (QA), Saudi Arabia (SA) and Yemen (YE).

We are only accepting orders form these countries, please contact MDaemon Technlogies to find out a partner in your area.

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Frequently Asked Questions

Eicar is a tool designed to determine if an antivirus product is installed properly. This is a small .COM file used to test the effectiveness and operability of on-access and/or on-demand scanning of an antivirus product.It consists entirely of printable ASCII characters, so that it can easily be created with a regular text editor. Any anti-virus product which supports the Eicar test file should 'detect' it in any file which starts with the following 68 characters:X5O!P%@AP[4\PZX54(P^)7CC)7}$EICAR-STANDARD-ANTIVIRUS-TEST-FILE!$H+H*You can create your own test file by copying the text above into NOTEPAD and saving the file as EICAR.COM.

This article describes running a third-party AntiVirus solution on the same machine as MDaemon AntiVirus.It is possible to run two Antivirus programs on the MDaemon machine. An Antivirus program that runs in the background and checks all files - not just emails - would not be a bad idea!To ensure that there is no compatibility problems or clashing between MDAV and your other antivirus solution, we recommend that you exclude the entire MDaemon directory structure from any real time scanning. 

After December 5th, failure to upgrade to SecurityPlus 4.1.5 will cause affected versions to report an invalid condition when scanning email messages.This security update is rated Critical for affected versions of SecurityPlus.  If running SecurityPlus 4.1.4, 4.1.3, 4.1.2, 4.1.1, or 4.1.0, you may receive an error within your AntiVirus.log file that reflects the following:Fri 2012-11-30 11:10:08: ----------Fri 2012-11-30 11:10:14: SecurityPlus AntiVirus processing c:\MDaemon\queues\local\md75000000067.msg...Fri 2012-11-30 11:10:14: * Message return-path: user1@example.comFri 2012-11-30 11:10:14: * Message from: user1@example.comFri 2012-11-30 11:10:14: * Message to: user2@example.comFri 2012-11-30 11:10:14: * Message subject: AV Update: Success - - Fri 2012-11-30 11:10:08:Fri 2012-11-30 11:10:14: * Message ID: <>Fri 2012-11-30 11:10:14: Start SecurityPlus AntiVirus resultsFri 2012-11-30 11:10:14: * Error: Virus scanner reports invalid conditionFri 2012-11-30 11:10:14: * Error: Fri 2012-11-30 11:10:14: * Message moved to c:\MDaemon\queues\holding\md50000000001[AntiVirus].msgFri 2012-11-30 11:10:14: End of SecurityPlus AntiVirus resultsFri 2012-11-30 11:10:14: ----------The results of this error will force MDaemon to route all messages to the MDaemon Holding queue. In order to resolve this issue, please download and update to SecurityPlus 4.1.5. You can download the latest version of SecurityPlus on our website here Related ArticlesFor more information, please view the SecurityPlus for MDaemon Upgrade Bulletin- SP113012- CriticalKBA-02490 SecurityPlus 4.1.5 will not install on a Windows 2000 Server

The article explains how to resolve a problem where you are unable to update virus definitions after upgrading to SecurityPlus 4.1.5.If you are experiencing this problem, follow these steps:1. On your MDaemon server, navigate to this folder: \MDaemon\SecurityPlus2. Rename the 'avupdater.xml' file to 'avupdater.old'.3. Download this file: After downloading the file, extract the avupdater.xml file from that ZIP file.5. Place the avupdater.xml file into this folder on your server:  \MDaemon\SecurityPlus 6. In MDaemon, click Security and then select AntiVirus7. On the 'AVUpdater' tab, click Update AV signatures nowNOTE: If you have not installed SecurityPlus 4.1.5 yet, an updated version is now available on our website.

Security configurations may very from server to server and certain servers may need to be adjusted accordingly.  The following are general recommendations for utilizing MDaemon's security and spam features as well as the AntiVirus and Outbreak Protection features provided by SecurityPlus. The following screenshots where taken from MDaemon version 16.  Prior versions may not contain all of the features below. SecurityPlus must be installed and a valid SecurityPlus key must be activated in order to change AntiVirus and Outbreak Protection settings. Recommended Security Settings Navigate to the MDaemon GUISelect SecuritySelect Security Settings Security SettingsRelay ControlReverse LookupsPOP Before SMTPTrusted HostsHosts added to this list will bypass all Security Settings.Trusted IPsIP Addresses added to this list will bypass all Security Settings.Sender AuthenticationIP ShieldSMTP AuthenticationSPF VerificationDKIM VerificationDKIM SigningClick here for more information on configuring the mail server to sign mail using DKIMDKIM SettingsDMARC VerificationClick here for more information on configuring DNS records for DMARCDMARC ReportingDMARC SettingsScreeningSender BlacklistRecipient BlacklistLocal domains and/or addresses should not normally exist on this listIP ScreenHost ScreenRecommended values have been pulled from our recommended host screen article.Dynamic ScreenHijack DetectionSpambot DetectionSSL & TLSMDaemonA third party or self-signed certificate must exist in the server's certificate store to use SSL, STARTTLS, and STLSWorldClient (web mail)You may use the same certificate for WorldClient SSL connections.HTTPS only and HTTP redirected to HTTPS will disable non-SSL connections from occurring for web mail.Remote AdministrationYou may use the same certificate for WorldClient and/or MDaemon SSL connections.HTTPS only and HTTP redirected to HTTPS will disable non-SSL connections from occurring for remote administration sessions.STARTTLS White ListHosts/IPs added to this list will be exempt from using STARTTLS during SMTP sessions.STARTTLS Required ListHosts/IPs added to this list will be required to use STARTTLS.OtherBackscatter ProtectionTarpittingGreylistingLAN DomainsDomains listed here are considered by MDaemon to be part of the local area network (LAN)..LAN IPsIPs listed here will be considered by MDaemon to be part of the local area network (LAN).Site PolicyText transmitted during the initial connection of each SMTP session.Policies should be limited to 15 lines with 75 characters per line. Recommended AntiVirus Settings SecurityPlus must be installed and activated to access this menu. Navigate to the MDaemon GUISelect Security Select AntiVirus Content FilterAntiVirus Recommended Outbreak Protection Settings SecurityPlus must be installed and activated to access this menu. Navigate to the MDaemon GUISelect SecuritySelect Outbreak ProtectionOutbreak Protection Recommended Spam Filter Settings Navigate to the MDaemon GUISelect SecuritySelect Spam Filter Spam FilterSpam FilterBayesian ClassificationBayesian Auto-learningSpam Daemon (MDSpamD)No changes to be made here unless instructed to from technical support.White List (Automatic)White List (no filtering)Local domains/addresses should not be on this listWhite List (by recipient)Local domains/addresses should not be on this listWhite List (by sender)Local domains/addresses should not be on this listBlack List (by sender)Local domains/addresses should not be on this listUpdatesReportingSettingsDNS-BLHostsWhite ListLocal domains/addresses should not be on this listSettings

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